Congratulations to Hammond Lab biological engineering and program in polymers and soft matter graduate student Sheryl Wang for successfully defending her PhD thesis.
Congrats to Professor Paula Hammond for being elected to be a 2021 fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
Congrats to Hammond Lab alum Chibueze Amanchukwu, PhD ’17 on being named to the Texas A&M 12 Under 12 Young Alumni Spotlight in honor of his work on next generation batteries and carbon dioxide conversion along with his mentorship of underrepresented students in engineering.
Graduate student Adam Berger is featured in a fact sheet on Next Generation Researchers from United for Medical Research to encourage congress’s investment in the NIH.
Congrats to postdocs Natalie Boehnke and Simone Douglas-Green on being hired as new faculty members at the University of Minnesota and Georgia Tech/Emory University, respectively. Wishing them the best as they begin their own labs!
Congratulations to postdocs Tamara Dacoba and Sasan Jalili on being named 2021-2022 Koch Institute Convergence Scholars. Congrats to PhD alumnus Yanpu He on also being named to this award.
Congratulations to postdoc Apoorv Shanker on winning a research grant from the MIT Chemical Engineering Communications Lab postdoc grant writing contest. This award will provide funding to explore the role of nanoparticle surface chemistry in suppressing acute inflammation.
Professor Paula Hammond has been named to President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), joining 29 of the most distinguished scientists to advise President Biden on matters related to science, technology, and innovation policies in the United States. More information can be found in the MIT press release and White House press release. Congratulations Professor Hammond!
Congratulations to Professor Paula Hammond on being appointed to the Board of Directors at The Engine, which is a venture begun by MIT to bridge the gap between discovery and commercialization.
Research from the Hammond Lab to improve the regeneration of cartilage in osteoarthritis is featured in the Wall Street Journal.
Congratulations to Professor Paula Hammond on receiving the inaugural Black in Cancer Distinguished Investigator Award.
Congratulations to graduate student Adam Berger on being awarded the NIH National Research Service Award (F30) fellowship to support his research training.
Congratulations to postdoc Joelle Straehla for the feature of her work exploring nanoparticles to target chemotherapy across the blood brain barrier in National Geographic magazine.
Congratulations to Hammond Lab chemical engineering graduate student MayLin Howard for successfully defending her PhD thesis.
Congratulations to graduate student Adam Berger for being awarded the MIT IMES Termeer Fellowship of Medical Engineering and Science.
Congratulations to postdoc Natalie Boehnke for receiving the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, which funds the launch of independent research careers.
Congratulations to Hammond Lab Chemical Engineering graduate student Stephanie Kong on successfully defending her PhD thesis.
Congrats to postdoc Simone Douglas-Green for winning the Burroughs Wellcome Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP) Award, a very prestigious recognition of her promise as a future professor.
Congrats to postdoc Simone Douglas-Green for winning the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Paula Hammond named an MIT Institute Professor
Professor Paula Hammond was named an MIT Institute Professor, MIT’s highest faculty honor, for her work in polymers and nanomaterials, and for her leadership in equity, inclusion, and mentoring.
Congrats to graduate student Andrew Pickering, who received the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship PGS-D award.
Congrats to postdoc Joelle Straehla on the selection of her image for the 2021 Koch Institute Image Awards. The image features cancer-fighting nanoparticles flowing through blood vessels in the brain.
Paula Hammond served as guest editor for ACS C&EN 2021 Trailblazers Issue with an interview conducted by postdoc Simone Douglas-Green
Professor Paula Hammond served as the guest editor of the American Chemical Society’s C&EN 2021 Trailblazers newsletter, which featured Black chemists and chemical engineers, both past and present, who have made foundational discoveries and inventions. Postdoc Simone Douglas-Green also contributed to the issue, interviewing Professor Lynden Archer.
Paula Hammond featured in ACS C&EN Profiles
Professor Paula Hammond was profiled in the “Career Ladder” section of the American Chemical Society’s C&EN magazine.
Congrats to postdoc Joelle Straehla, who was named a 2020-2022 Helen Fellow through the Helen Gurley Brown Presidential Initiative at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute!
Congratulations to Hammond Lab Chemical Engineering and Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM) graduate student Yanpu He on successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Postdoc Nicholas Lamson named a Koch Institute Convergence Scholar
Congratulations to Hammond Lab postdoc Nicholas Lamson, who was accepted into the Koch Institute’s 2020-2021 Convergence Scholar Program to expand his impact beyond the laboratory.
Postdoc Natalie Boehnke’s publication on functionalization of liposomes with peptide motifs was featured on the cover of Bioconjugate Chemistry.
Congratulations to Hammond Lab Chemical Engineering graduate student Jonathan Chou on successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Congratulations to Hammond Lab Chemical Engineering graduate student Antonio (Tony) Barberio on successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Posdoc Apoorv Shanker awarded the Mazumdar-Shaw fellowship
Congratulations to Hammond Lab postdoc Apoorv Shanker, who won the MIT Koch Institute Mazumdar-Shaw International Oncology Fellowship for his project entitled “Temporally-controlled Layer-by-Layer Delivery of Immune-Modulators for Combination Immunotherapy.”
Postdoc Sean Smith awarded an NIH F32 award
Congratulations to Hammond Lab postdoc Sean Smith, who was awarded an NIH NCI F32 award entitled “Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles for Combination Cytokine Immunotherapy of Ovarian Cancer.”
Hammond Lab develops a set of lab values document
The Hammond Lab has developed a lab values document that is now accessible via our website.
Graduate student Adam Berger wins HST community award
Congratulations to Hammond Lab graduate student Adam Berger, who won the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Roger G. Mark service award.
Paula Hammond featured as a 2020 C&EN Trailblazer
Paula Hammond was honored as one of the women profiled in C&EN’s 2020 Trailblazers.
Hammond Lab Publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition Featured on the Cover
A recent publication on theranostic layer-by-layer nanoparticles from postdoc Natalie Boehnke, alum Santi Correa, and collaborator Liang Hao (Bhatia lab) was featured on the cover of Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Special thanks to postdoc Joelle Straehla’s husband, Chris, for help with the graphic design.
Paula Hammond Honored with Dr. Margaret Hutchinson Rousseau Award at AIChE Fall Conference
Paula Hammond honored with award for significant contributions to chemical engineering research over her career. This award honors the memory of Dr. Rousseau, the first woman to earn a PhD in Chemical Engineering from MIT and the first woman member of AIChE.
Cheddar Live Interview for LBL Microneedle Research in Hammond Lab
Paula Hammond and graduate student Yanpu He were interviewed by Cheddar to talk about their amazing work towards using LBL Microneedles to treat skin cancer.
Paula Hammond recognized as a strong mentor by Committed to Caring (C2C)
Paula was honored for her commitment to diversity and inclusion in the Chemical Engineering department as well as her excellence in actively listening to students to help them succeed in their programs.
Hammond Lab microneedle research featured in the news
This research investigates quick and pain-free delivery of vaccines and medications on a microneedle patch
Hammond lab alum, Professor Anita Shukla, has received the highly prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
Congratulations, Anita!
New article featured on the cover of BioTM
This work describes progress in layer-by-layer nanoparticles for targeting ovarian cancer
Paula Hammond elected to the National Academy of Sciences for 2019
Paula Hammond discusses discovery and diversity on C&EN
Chemical engineer Paula T. Hammond on discovery and diversity.
Paula Hammond and colleagues develop new optical imaging system to find tiny tumors [MIT News]
Near-infrared technology pinpoints fluorescent probes deep within living tissue; may be used to detect cancer earlier.
Paula Hammond profiled on CBS for Women’s History Month as a pioneer.
Brett Geiger’s work featured in the Boston Globe and MIT News
Brett Geiger’s work on drug delivery for treatment of osteoarthritis has been featured in the Boston Globe and MIT News!
Boston Globe: …
Paula Hammond’s research featured on MGH’s Proto Magazine
Paula Hammond’s research on ovarian cancer and her collaboration with profs. Belcher and Bahtia featured on MGH’s Proto Magazine.
Paula featured in MIT News
Paula and her work in nanoscale biomaterials are featured on MIT news and the MIT Technology Review.
Jiahe Li’s work featured on MIT front page
Jiahe’s work on the coassembly of mRNA and the translation helper protein, poly(A) binding protein, for enhanced mRNA delivery is featured as the news spotlight on the MIT frontpage, and published in Angewandte Chemie…
Paula receives 2018 ACS National Award in Applied Polymer Science
Paula will receive the ACS National Award in Applied Polymer Science in 2018, which recognizes and encourages the achievements of scientists active in the fields of polymer and polymer materials research. Congratulations to Paula for her outstanding contributions to polymer science and…
Paula elected to National Academy of Engineering!
Paula has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, for her “contributions to self-assembly of polyelectrolytes, colloids, and block copolymers at surfaces and interfaces for energy and health care applications.” Congratulations!!
Paula elected to National Academy of Medicine!
A big congratulations to Paula – she has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine!
Anasuya featured on MIT homepage
PhD student Anasuya Mandal was featured on the MIT homepage in a story highlighting her research and experiences at MIT
Jouha’s work featured on the cover of ACS Nano
Jouha’s work on dual therapy LbL coatings for prosthetic infections has been featured on the cover of ACS Nano and C&EN News. Congratulations!
A new superweapon in the fight against cancer
Cancer is a very clever, adaptable disease. To defeat it, says medical researcher and educator Paula Hammond, we need a new and powerful mode of attack. With her colleagues at MIT, Hammond engineered a nanoparticle one-hundredth the size of a human hair that can treat the most aggressive, drug-…
Top cancer researcher on achieving ‘Moonshot’
Prof. Paula T. Hammond joins Andrea Mitchell to share her priorities in how to find a cure for cancer.
Congratulations to Bryan for cover of ACS Nano
Bryan Hsu’s paper on hemostat peptide layer-by-layer films was highlighted on the front cover of ACS NANO. Congratulations, Bryan!!
Congratulations to Erik for cover of Clinical Cancer Research
Erik’s paper on synergistic blockade with a layer-by-layer nanoparticle was chosen for the cover of Clinical Cancer Research! Many Congratulations, Erik!
Paula Hammond named head of Department of Chemical Engineering
Paula T. Hammond, the David H. Koch Professor in Engineering, has been named the new head of the Department of Chemical Engineering (ChemE), effective July 13. She is the first woman and first person of color appointed to the post.
Bandage Releases Multiple Drugs Over Time
Bryan Hsu’s recent work in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering on release of antibiotics and hemostats was featured in Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN).
Smart bandage could save lives
When someone suffers a serious injury, timing can literally be a matter of life or death. Blood loss must be tackled immediately, but care must also be taken to prevent infection of the wound. Chemical enginners working at MIT have developed a dual-function ‘smart’ bandage’…
Nisarg Shah selected for Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore
Recent PhD graduate Nisarg Shah was selected as the PhD from MIT to attend the Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore.
Mohi Quadir wins Koch Misrock Postdoctoral Fellowship
Postdoc Mohi Quadir has received the 2015 Koch Misrock Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded to postdoctoral fellows making promising advances in nanotechnology-based cancer research.
Kasper Renggli wins TERMIS-AM Travel Award
Kasper Renggli received the TERMIS-AM Travel Award for the TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) conference in December 2014.
Alumni Kris Wood receives Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation Early Career Award
Alumni Kris Wood (PhD 2007), a faculty member at Duke University, has won the 2015 Liz Tilberis Early Career Award from the Ovarian Cancer…
Alumni Peter DeMuth wins first prize for Quadrant Award
Alumni Peter DeMuth (PhD 2013) has won the first prize for the Quadrant Award, which rewards academic excellence by…
“Implantable pharmacy” image wins Koch Image Award Competition
Recent PhD graduate Nisarg Shah and postdoc Nasim Hyder have won the Koch Image Award Competition for their “implantable pharmacy” image, to be presented at the Koch Image Award ceremony Wtih/InSight on March 11.
Tissue Scaffold Coated with Bone Growth Factors featured on MIT homepage
The work of recent Ph.D. graduate Nisarg Shah and postdocs Nasim Hyder and Mohi Quaddir on porous tissue scaffolds coated with bone growth factors platelet-derived growth factor and bone morphogenetic protein 2 was featured on the…
Solar Cells from Old Car Batteries featured on MIT homepage and The Washington Post
The work of joint Hammond and Belcher labs graduate student Po-Yen Chen on recycling old car batteries into efficient solar cells…
Viral Hydrogels for 3D Conducting Nanocomposites Featured on Front Cover of Advanced Materials
The work of joint Hammond and Belcher labs graduate student Po-Yen Chen, along with other Hammond group members Nasim Hyder and Noémie Dorval Courchesne, on viral hydrogels for designing 3D porous polyaniline nanostructures that incorporate…
Layer by layer films for drug delivery featured on MIT homepage
The work of Bryan Hsu, a recent PhD graduate from the Hammond lab, on biodegradable LbL films for localized drug delivery sustained for over a year was featured…
Faculty highlight: Paula Hammond
Engineering tiny paths to cancer treatment, bone regrowth, and wound healing, Paula Hammond serves as an exemplary researcher-educator within the MIT community.
Newly minted Doctors David Liu, Nisarg Shah, and Kittipong Saetia at the Hooding Ceremony
Congratulations to our newest PhD graduate: Dr. David Liu!
Watch a video of his defense here: Controlling the Mechanical and Transport Properties of Layer-by-Layer Films and Electrospun Mat Composite Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
Congratulations to Sam Raredon for defending his Master’s thesis!
Two-stage nanoparticles for cancer treatment featured on the MIT homepage
Congratulations to our newest PhD graduate: Dr. Nisarg Shah!
You can watch a video of his defense talk here: Driving Tissue Morphogenic Cascades from…
Congratulations to Julio and Erik for winning a Koch Institute Image Award!
This SEM image of a biocompatible and conductive polymer structure created by postdocs Julio D’Arcy and Erik…
Welcome to our new group members!
Welcome to the graduate students joining our group: Wade Wang from Chemistry, and Connie Wu and Andrew Zmolek from Chemical Engineering.
ACS Nano article on LbL siRNA/chemotherapy combination nanoparticles receives a lot of attention in the press ACS Nano article on LbL siRNA/chemotherapy combination nanoparticles was featured in the news:
Congratulations to Nisarg for winning the Collegiate Inventors Silver Award!
Nisarg Shah won the Collegiate Inventors Silver Award for his invention, “A Bioactive Interface for Implant Bonding and Tissue Repair”. As a Finalist in this prestigious and highly competitive national competition, he traveled to Washington DC to present to the most influential patent and…
Congratulations to Julia for winning the AIChE Undergraduate Poster Contest!
Julia Sun, an undergraduate research group member working on growth factor containing thin films for wound healing with postdoc Ben Almquist, won first place in the AIChE Undergraduate Poster Contest at the 2013 Annual Meeting.
Microneedle Technology Featured on PBS
Microneedle technology developed in the Hammond and Irvine labs by recent graduate Dr. Pete DeMuth was featured on PBS NOVA “Making Stuff Safer”
Tue, 11/05/2013
Prof. Hammond wins the AIChE Charles M. A. Stine Award!
Congratulations to Professor Hammond for winning the AIChE Charles M. A. Stine Award!
Congratulations to group alum Kevin Krogman and his team at Svaya Nanotechnologies …
Congratulations to our new PhD graduate Dr Kittipong Saetia!
“Scalable Manufacture of Built to Order Nanomedicine” featured by Adv. Mater. and the MIT News Office
Stephen Morton and coworkers’ article “Scalable Manufacture of Built to Order Nanomedicine” was featured on the frontispiece of …
Article on tunable multilayered implant coatings featured in the news!
Nisarg Shah and coworkers’ article “Surface-Mediated Bone Tissue Morphogenesis from Tunable Nanolayered Implant Coatings” was featured in the news.